The "Non-Citizen" in the US

Just seen the film 'The Citizen'. The movie relates the struggles immigrants have to often go through in the United States despite being good samaritans. At the center of the story is Ibrahim Jarrah (played by Khaled El Nabawy), who arrives in the US on the 10th of September and becomes caught up in a post-9/11 world that he and everybody were least prepared for. He is detained without any cause and kept in prison for six months. He gets released eventually, free from all charges, but does so after having suffered much at the hands of the government. The movie brings to light the panicked reaction that the Bush administration gave after the September 11 attacks and the negative consequences that had to be born by innocent people like Jarrah. Every Middle Eastern, South East Asian or bearded immigrant was begun to be considered a terrorist. They were imprisoned for no reason, deported to unknown places and no record of their arrest was made. The people were, literally, made ...