
Let me start by telling you something about an American President who is slightly less known than the others who have occupied the same position: President Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge had many beliefs. One of them was that whenever he spoke, he got in trouble. He said, "I realized that no difficulty comes if one does not speak". Once having been surrounded by the media, he gave only one response to whatever he was asked, "No comments". After getting out of the crowd and chaos, he turned around the journalists and said, "Whatever I said is between you and me and please don't disseminate the same outside." This he said even though he had not really said anything. At a ballroom party once, he was challenged by a lady that she would make him speak at least three words during the party and Coolidge answered, "You lose". Osho says, "People mostly say what they never intended to. Which is very strange, of course, saying things that you neve...