In Praise of Facebook
I love the movie 'The Social Network'. Watched it today all over again. The power that an idea has is ably described in the film. You have a kid right out of his teens who takes this thought of his to a billion dollar business. Although some doubt whether the idea was actually his, the film also shows that ideation without execution is hardly the stuff success is made of. And thus, the guy playing Mark says in the movie, "If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you would have invented Facebook."
Facebook is not just a site today, it is a place where people connect with friends that they normally wouldn't find the time to connect with. I remember once my profile stalking some of the friends I once hung out with, just one comment on their status rekindled our contact. It really allows one to permanently stay in touch with our friends, so-called friends, colleagues and relatives and that is a blessing in this age of speed.
What's more, it gives us a voice on issues worth raising and a chance to bring people closer on the same.
It started out as a college specific website but today, with about a billion users, it has the population of the third largest country in the world. And that's not just a social network, that's a giant network. A compelling story that was needed to be told.
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