A Brave Bollywood Romance

In a scene from the film Mirzya , Suchitra and Adil burst into laughter having realised that they have finally escaped the clutches of the world which is out to take away from them their love. Later they are captured and killed but that laughter echoed through the film for me. It was no ordinary laughter. It was a laughter of revolt. A revolt agains the diktats of the world. A diktat which had drawn between them an unsurpassable wall of rich and poor, a stable boy and a princess. But the two didn't care. Their love had drawn them magnetically to each other. A love which began in births before the one they were living. It was an obsession, this love of theirs. The kind of love that makes a 14 year old Monish shoot down a teacher who had punished his love with a cane. The kind of love that would make Adil hide his true identity from Suchitra lest she should fall in love with him again and break off her marriage with the Prince. But it is indeed difficult, nay impossible, to ...