
Showing posts from July, 2016


I saw a post on Facebook a few days ago. It was that of one of my Facebook friends posing next to Shiv Khera. The post said, "bumped into Shiv Khera for the second time. As you can see, he was quite happy to see me." Mr. Khera, for those who don't already know, has been the bestselling author of books like 'You Can Win' and 'Freedom is not Free'. He is one of my favourite authors. His 'You Can Win' came out in 1998. I remember reading this book as a teenager. Its stories inspired me immensely. Seeing the Facebook post about Mr. Khera brought back old memories. But something that surprised me painfully is how much Mr. Khera has aged. I googled his age and found that he is about 54 but he looked as old as 70 in the picture. I guess he works too hard and age is taking a toll on him. I do wish that such a potion existed that could prevent the effects of ageing. Or better still, that could stop ageing itself. And we could all be Peter Pans in our Never...