About Our Fetters

Love. It is such a nice word. And some people say, it is also the most powerful thing around us. But then the problem arises when it happens for someone. And that happening doesn't meet its desired outcome. You know what I mean, don't you? That feeling you get when you see your special someone going out of your circle of influence and into your circle of concern. The circle marked for things that we can do nothing about. And love turns then into a hopeless thing. It starts to hurt instead of healing us. It begins to become a burden. And the worst part is that the more we try to get over it, the more we are pulled back inside the pit. Some suggest us to let go in such situations but letting go is not easy. I wonder if the likes of Oshos and Buddhas went through times like these. We all know them as the untouchable entities of enlightenment. But is it possible that they had their share of attachments to deal with? It is said that Prince Siddhartha was preparing to leave the ...