A Salaam to Kalam

One more great has passed away. There is something about a great man departing us. We feel some void. And that feeling is unmissable. We feel like he should have been around for longer. I never met Mr Kalam. Nor did I ever see him. But I, like many others, knew what he wanted from us and from our nation. He wanted us to claim our rightful place in the world. To finally shed the shackles of mediocrity and defeatism. I read Ignited Minds in which Mr Kalam described his travels across the country. He described the conversations he had with people across the length and breadth of this nation on the subject of how to transform India into a superpower by 2020. He also shared lessons he had learnt during his work with ISRO. One of the things he talked about was the importance of keeping the goal above oneself. As long as one could keep the project as more important than one’s personal wants or desires, the project was likely to succeed. During his travels across the c...