An Open Letter to the PM on the Land Acquisition Bill

Mr. Prime Minister, Your party had promised to be a harbinger of hope. It had talked of bringing the 'achche din' that the people of this nation deserve. The proposed Land Acquisition Bill does nothing to serve either of your party's commitments. A simple comparison between the Land Acquisiton Act of 2013 and its 2014 Ordinance will reveal the same. Number 1: (Consent from affected people) In the 2013 Act, mandatory consent of the owners of the land- 70% for Private Public Participation (PPP) projects and 80% for private projects, which could be raised to 100% by State Governments was required. In contrast, the same consent is not required for defense, security, rural infrastructure and industrial corridors. In a country that prides itself on democratic principles, depriving the affected people of their right to consent is not exactly...well, democratic. Number 2: (Social Impact Assessment or SIA) In the 2013 Act, SIA was compulsory for every acquisi...