Being Ape

I have just finished watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes . It is, by far, the best movie I have seen so far this year. It is very metaphorical in nature. And it touches on many issues ranging from what is power-lust to what constitutes inhumanity. All of this happens with one ape as a protagonist, Caesar. The strong-willed leader of the apes. He leads his kind with wit and vision. He talks and unlike most of today's leaders, he talks sense and nothing else. What I was most impressed by in the film was the depiction of how hunger for power can lead one to unimaginable extents. Koba, the jealous ape in the pack, doesn't like Caesar's efforts to bond with the human-kind. When all his dissuasion fails to convince Caesar to turn back from helping humans. He decides to kill Caesar and take over the power among them himself. He makes the humans seem responsible for shooting Caesar. Caesar is proclaimed dead. But, as we see later, he isn't. What is interesting to see ...