Demons Inside

There is an interesting scene in the 2010 movie, 'The Karate Kid' where the young Dre asks Mr. Han if he could teach him how to control other people and Mr. Han replies saying, "There is only one person you need to control (yourself)." The first step towards changing the world is changing ourselves. Mother Teresa said, "If everyone cleaned their doorstep, the whole world would be clean." It is a cynical world at times and we often find ourselves mirroring its cynical actions. On July 10 this year, Obama had this to say about cynicism, "Cynicism didn't win a war or put a man on the moon." We find faults with others' conduct and way of being. The one person whose behaviour we overlook, however, is our own. Let's start focusing on that because that is from where all the results in our life will flow. I love this phrase coined by Stephen. R. Covey, 'circle of influence'. Our behaviour is the one thing that is in our circle o...