
Showing posts from June, 2014

Act, Don't Fret

Working without a thought for results. Seems tough, doesn't it? And yet it seems to me more and more everyday that this is perhaps the only way to be in action. Sure, we want justice done to the effort we put in. But is it really in our control? I don't quiet think so. As a matter of fact, the best things that have come to me in life have come unexpected, unasked for and undesired. They have simply come. And when I have found myself desperately wanting to get something, it has eluded me. Even though there was no let up in my endeavour towards reaching that goal. But this thinking questions the validity of keeping targets. No one can deny the significance of being clear about what one wants. But is it possible that we can have targets and yet not obsess about them? Is it possible that we don't torture ourselves worrying about how far we still are from our desired goals? What makes failure most frustrating is all the time we know we have spent stressing over how to avoid it...