The Power of Perceptions

I have just revisited Stephen. R. Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and as always the book's message made me hold my breath for some time. In the chapter Inside-Out Covey talks about the power of perceptions. How the way we see governs the way we behave. And how our perceptions are formed by the years of conditioning we have been put through by the world around us. For any effective change to take place, Covey says, we must first change our perceptions. He also says that we cannot go very far in changing our seeing without simultaneously changing our being and vice versa. What we do will have have to also change to change the way we see things. Covey talks about two ways of seeing, the way things are (the realities) and the way things should be (the values). When we describe something, we are actually describing ourselves. That is not the reality. And when someone disagrees, it is difficult to accept that they might be right. Covey says that we will have to be ...